Do you believe in creation or evolution?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Missing Links
The missing links are some of, if not the best evidence for creation. Here is the basic theory. The evolutionist says that first, there were single celled organisms. From these organisms evolved the first fish. The fish grew legs and became amphibians. And then came the reptiles, birds, mammals, and finally man. The problem is that between each stage there should be many transitions from one creature to the next. Many evolutionists have devoted their entire life to finding these "missing links", and this is what they have found: There first missing link they have found is the coelacanth. It is the supposed link between fish and amphibians, because it has stubby fins. They say that these fins evolved into legs and the coelacanth walked onto land as an amphibian. But, later some scientists found these fishes alive off the coast of Africa, in deep water. First of all, if this animal evolved into an amphibian it would not be living today. And second of all, it is designed to live in deep water and cannot live along the shore. So how could it crawl out onto land? Another unaccounted for “missing link” is between the reptile and the bird. The funny thing is that evolutionists cannot find any. Because of this, they have formed a new theory about this link called, punctuated Equilibrium. They say that a reptile laid an egg and this egg magically changed into a bird. Let me repeat that. Somehow, the inside of a reptile's egg got scrambled up and changed into a bird egg. And this would have had to happen at least twice in the same area for birds to be able to mate and populate the earth with birds. And finally, is the transition from ape to man. The evolutionist has come up with multiple possible answers but all of them fallen short. One example of this is Homo erectus. Home erectus was originally thought to be half-man, half-ape but is now known to be fully human. But perhaps the most famous proposed missing link is the Australopithecus afarensis named Lucy. Lucy was supposed to be one of the first ancestors to man, but is now known to be a type of extinct chimpanzee. So despite the fact that millions of dollars are being spent to find these “missing links” it is easily seen that they have failed to find a fossil that can be recognized as a true “missing link.”
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2:23 PM
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