Based on the Bible, around 2300 BC the earth was completely covered with a worldwide flood. This worldwide flood is a very important factor in history. This flood could have easily carved the Grand Canyon in days or weeks instead of the millions of years we are taught to believe it took. The flood also provides an answer to many great questions. Polystrate fossils are a great example. These fossils, normally trees, baffle evolutionists because they stand erect going though many rock layers. The problem is that each rock layer is supposed to be a different time period. So how could a single tree be found going through many, many rock layers? They would decompose long before they could fossilize. If the flood fossilized these trees, it is easily explained. Think about what happens when you put three materials like dirt, sand, and gravel in a jar and add some water. When you shake them up, they quickly separate into layers. The flood would easily disturb many materials from the land. These matterials would settle in perfect layers and trees could easily be found going through many layers of sediment.
If the flood really happened, wouldn't everyone know about it, not just Christians? Yes, they would; and they do. The Sumerians lived around the 17th century BC. They were far from Christians as they were naturalists, humanists, and polytheists, but their history still contains fragments of the flood. They say that the gods were mad at all the people for not obeying them. The god Enki instructs Ziusudra, a man favored by the gods, to make a big boat and put his family and animals on it because they were going to send a great flood.
In India’s heritage, there are very similar legends. They say that a large fish warned a man that a flood was coming. The man made a boat and put “seeds of life” on it so that he could repopulate the earth after the flood. When the flood came, the fish pulled the boat onto a mountaintop.
Even in communist China’s history, there is a worldwide flood that dates to about the same time as the Biblical flood. These examples are just a very few of the many examples in almost every culture that depict a worldwide flood.
These examples do differ greatly from story to story but that is reasonable. Think about what happens when you line ten people up and tell the first one in line a sentence and he passes it down all the way to the end of the line. The sentence changes a lot, and that is just one sentence in one language. Now what would happen if you changed that sentence into a story and threw in an event like the tower of Babel in which everyone now speaks a different language? There would be large differences from story to story, and that is exactly what we have. These stories are different, but they all contain the same basic story. Why would so many cultures have a worldwide flood in their history unless it really happened? There is only one answer: It did happen.
Do you believe in creation or evolution?
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Flood
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Thursday, July 15, 2010
Missing Links
The missing links are some of, if not the best evidence for creation. Here is the basic theory. The evolutionist says that first, there were single celled organisms. From these organisms evolved the first fish. The fish grew legs and became amphibians. And then came the reptiles, birds, mammals, and finally man. The problem is that between each stage there should be many transitions from one creature to the next. Many evolutionists have devoted their entire life to finding these "missing links", and this is what they have found: There first missing link they have found is the coelacanth. It is the supposed link between fish and amphibians, because it has stubby fins. They say that these fins evolved into legs and the coelacanth walked onto land as an amphibian. But, later some scientists found these fishes alive off the coast of Africa, in deep water. First of all, if this animal evolved into an amphibian it would not be living today. And second of all, it is designed to live in deep water and cannot live along the shore. So how could it crawl out onto land? Another unaccounted for “missing link” is between the reptile and the bird. The funny thing is that evolutionists cannot find any. Because of this, they have formed a new theory about this link called, punctuated Equilibrium. They say that a reptile laid an egg and this egg magically changed into a bird. Let me repeat that. Somehow, the inside of a reptile's egg got scrambled up and changed into a bird egg. And this would have had to happen at least twice in the same area for birds to be able to mate and populate the earth with birds. And finally, is the transition from ape to man. The evolutionist has come up with multiple possible answers but all of them fallen short. One example of this is Homo erectus. Home erectus was originally thought to be half-man, half-ape but is now known to be fully human. But perhaps the most famous proposed missing link is the Australopithecus afarensis named Lucy. Lucy was supposed to be one of the first ancestors to man, but is now known to be a type of extinct chimpanzee. So despite the fact that millions of dollars are being spent to find these “missing links” it is easily seen that they have failed to find a fossil that can be recognized as a true “missing link.”
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Monday, June 7, 2010
Mt. Saint Helens
Mount Saint Helens erupted on May 18, 1980. This eruption destroyed 234 square miles of forest surrounding the volcano. In some places it carved canyons up to 100 feet deep, while in others it piled up 600 feet of sediment. This eruption helped prove creation in multiple ways. First of all, it proved that a catastrophic event (like the flood) could carve the Grand Canyon or form many layers of rock in a short time. This eruption also proved evolutionary dating to be faulty. In 1992, a geologist by the name of Dr. Steve Austin, took a sample of some of the new rock from Mt. Saint Helens. He then sent this sample to a geological lab to have it dated. The lab, using radioisotope dating, the evolutionist's dating method, dated this rock to be between 350,000 and 2.4 million years old. So rock that we know is only twelve years old, dated to be up to 2.4 million years old. Are you going to believe an evolutionist and his fallible dating methods, or the Bible, a book that has never been proved historically incorrect?
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Darwin's Theory
As most of you know, Charles Darwin popularized the theory of Evolution. In 1835, Darwin took a trip to the Galapagos Islands on which he observed some finches. These finches were amazing to him because there were many different shapes, sizes, and colors. There were finches with big beaks and little beaks, sharp beaks and round beaks. He thought that these finches were changing into new finches, hence the theory of evolution. Even modern day creationists believe that these finches were changing, but they were not evolving. Every animal has the ability to adapt or change. The beak sizes of finches can change over time; poodles can evolve from wolves over time; and the average height of man can change over time. These changes are within the makeup of their genes. But a dog cannot become a cat, and a rat cannot turn into a kangaroo. The amazing thing is that most modern day evolutionist now agree that these finches were not evolving. The best evidence for this is that these finches at one point started to bread with each other, proving that they were indeed one species of finch. Putting all this together, the theory of evolution was based on something that was not true.
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Friday, March 12, 2010
Origin of Life
Stanley Miller's experiment, The Spark Chamber, influenced millions of Americans to believe that life can be created in a test tube. Miller, a world renowned scientist with a Ph. D in Chemistry, did combine certain chemicals and created amino acids, but was his experiment valid. In his book, Creation: Facts of Life, Dr. Gary Parker wrote that Miller had the wrong starting materials, used the wrong conditions, and got the wrong results. Dr. Parker explained that Miller had the wrong materials because he left out oxygen. So in order for this test to be valid you have to assume that oxygen was not present, despite the fact that it is present today. He also used the wrong conditions. He used a spark of electricity to combine the molecules, but he knew that the same spark would destroy the amino acid that he made. In order to avoid this, he created a "trap" so that the amino acid would not be destroyed instantly. And lastly, he got the wrong results. All living things are made of only left-handed amino acids. Miller actually made a mixture of left and right-handed amino acids. The problem with this is that even one right-handed amino acid combined with left-handed amino acids will prevent the necessary twisting of the proteins. To quote Dr. Parker, "What Miller actually produced was a seething brew of potent poisons that would absolutely destroy any hope for the chemical evolution of life." Despite these overwhelming issues, textbooks in public schools still teach that the spark chamber experiment is good evidence that evolution is true.
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Big Bang
Although most kids are taught evolution is fact in school, it is far from it. For example, a lot of people believe in the "big bang" theory. This theory states that a whole bunch of nothing started spinning really fast and blew up. When this happened things started flying off. These are the supposed planets. This sounds a little dumb, but listen to this. If a big ball is spinning clockwise and matter falls off, wouldn't the things falling off spin the same way? But Venus and Uranus spin the opposite direction of the other planets. Kent Hovind, a creation scientist, once said something like: I think God did this just to make evolutionists look stupid.
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